24hrs Emergency Mobile Fuel Drain Service
Wrong Fuel is Common Problem but can be avoided

You get to the dispenser and start filling fuel you normally fill in your own car tank

For people who have not experienced blunder of wrong fuelling, this mistake is unimaginable but it happens. People just forget under pressure or in hurry and put the wrong fuel in the car fuel tank. When you get to the fuelling station you hurriedly reach to the nozzle, not in use and start filling the tank or get to the nearest dispenser to avoid delay.

Generally, when you are short of time you can do this mistake. Another possibility is driving a car not owned by you. You get to the dispenser and start filling the fuel you normally fill in your car tank. It also happens when you are not attentive and doing this job while busy with some other tasks too.

People once go through the trouble, remains attentive and conscious while filling car tank. Damage could be great and can cost you even replacement of power unit of the car. This is the kind of mistake that not covered by the warranty offered by car makers so you have to bear the cost.

Both diesel and petrol engine cars experience this mistake of wrong fuelling. When you caught in this situation, must stop the engine immediately and then call the expert to come and fix the problem. It is really important to keep damage limited to stop car engine soon after realizing the mistake.

Not only car owners but fuel providers are also aware of the possibility of this mistake so boldly write on dispensers and make diesel filling nozzle bigger than of petrol filling nozzle. Petrol in diesel engine is more frequently happen than another way round.

Try to stay focus when you fill the tank

People should not panic when finding themselves in this kind of situation and just turn off the engine. This is the most important thing you can do after committing the mistake. If you realize the blunder while filling then you need to stop it without wasting a second.

Sometimes people realize when they try to fit the wrong nozzle in their car tank and escape the situation without causing any damage. While filling diesel in petrol engine you may realize it before start filling. Try to stay focus when you fill the tank of a car and avoid the embarrassment of wrong fuelling.

Petrol in diesel tank is filled often in reported cases of wrong fuelling because nozzle easily fits and you fail to realize the mistake. You can avoid the situation only by focusing on the job. Take extra care when you are not driving your car. Make sure you know the engine type and fuel it uses to run.

When you put the wrong fuel in your car it either fails to ignite the engine or start missing and then you may realize the mistake. But fuel injects pipes and engine parts get damaged when you try to switch on the engine. It is very disturbing and you need immediate help so you have to find the wrong fuel expert and call for help. The cost of the mistake could be very high so you need to be ready for the expense.

When wrong fuel enter the mechanism

Engine technicians have developed their expertise to deal with wrong fuelling problem. These technicians fix the issue after evaluating the graveness of the problem. You get surety of fixing the issue and get your car back on road. The situation varies from incident to incident and in most detrimental cases you have to replace the engine of the car.

The nature of the two fuels, diesel and petrol are very different so the energy production mechanism is also dissimilar. When wrong fuel enters the mechanism it either blocks it or makes it overheated and cause serious damage. In either case, your engine or parts of it need to be repaired. This needs to be done only by experts.

First, they will see how much damage has caused and then they will suggest the solution. When you only fill the tank with the wrong fuel and do not start the engine then you simply drain out the wrong fuel and fill in the right one. Shortly your car gets back on road after flushing out the wrong fuel. This solution is the most economical for the wrong fuelling problem.

It is really simple to know the difference

Diesel in petrol engine unit is the rare case due to bigger size of diesel filling nozzle. But even then such incidents are reported and solution for the issue available. When people face this situation, first they think about how it is possible? It is really simple to know the difference between a differences of two fuels. The fume of the two fuels very different. Petrol gives off a strong smell and gives you a call to stop putting it in your diesel engine car. People ignore this too and keep filling the tank so they have to ask for assistance to fix the issue. It is quite simple, realize the mistake soon and save your money. Car owners need to know that there is a solution to the problem and you can get it to fix. As people are well aware that such situations occur then they should try to avoid them.

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